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Sometimes death is the only way- Oneshot

Dark green eyes stared unfocused at the gloomy sky filled with bright clouds. Everything seemed to be dead or at least lulled into sleep as he slowly started to pace down a steep hill; hearing only his own heavy breathings and nothing else. Not even a smallest whisper interrupted the silence as he quickly reached a lovely greenish park at the end of the hill. He kept shifting his gaze until he finally saw a small bench lying in the middle of the park encircled in beautiful blossoms.

He trotted to the bench feeling slightly uncomfortable as he sat down. His red and swollen eyes were dripping of tears as old memories started rushing through his feverish head. He reminisced a beautiful woman standing in his kitchen with a white apron on, as she gently mixed some ingredients in a bowl. He harshly pressed his frozen hands on his ears as her resounding laughter started ringing in his ears.

”No!”, he yelled being the first one to interrupt the deafening silence. He roughly shook his head with even more tears rushing down his cheeks. The wind blowed gently on his face and delivered the soft whisper of a woman.
”I love you”
He violently shook his head as the scent of lavender suddenly filled his nostrils which left the heartbroken man desperately sniffing the air. But in vain- the scent had already disappeared along with the voice.
”She’s dead!”, he roared as several other memories started pushing themselves into his head. These memories were so alive as if she was sitting next to him. But as reality slowly started winning over his imagination the horrible fact was getting very clear to him. The man pressed a handkerchief to his dripping eyes and felt even more sorrowful for every single minute. She would have been with me if she hadn’t ended her life, he thought bitterly and for a brief moment he remembered her lifeless body lying in the living room at his home. The memory struck him and he firmly placed one of his shaking hands to his heart that suffered the most pain.

She’d hanged herself. The red marks on her throat was more noticeable on the memory then he’d realized and he gently massaged his pained heart. His unfocused eyes once again lifted to watch the dark sky. Some bright starts had started to fill the background of the moon that showed itself in all its majesty. And yet again the man couldn’t stop imagining that the wind which was blowing in his ears was accompanied by his dead wife. He imagined that her sweet smell of lavender evaporated into his widened and awaiting nostrils.

The wind whispered her pleadings in sad poems that made his heart melt but in those short moments the memory of her dead body would struck him as a lightning and once again he would remember his bitter promise. He would never forgive her. Never. The man slowly felt an emptiness gradually taking over his broken heart and filling it with darkness. His unfocused eyes was turning blank until there was nothing left of him that could be called human. His heart started to thump unevenly until it finally stopped in one single moment. And in his great sorrow and emptiness his eyes lit for one brief second. His wife was sitting next to him, lit by her dazzling smile.
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