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Three Women

It’s a beautiful day. The sun is shining on the people in the small village and the wind pulls gently throw there hairs. It’s cold and you can see the steam from the humans mouths wrap out when they breaths. Three women’s walk beside each other on one street . Three generations of women’s, totally different in many ways, but still like each other, in ways that they even not are aware of. They are all three in different stages of theirs life. The youngest , the one to the left , is in the beginning of adultery. She’s a young, beautiful woman and who has all of her life ahead. The woman in the middle, who is in the age when your not called young any more. She’s in her middle age, the age that many would say is the age when women’s truly have found and come to sense with their selves. At last the woman to the right, the woman who has realized that she has grown old and that there is nothing she can do about it. The woman whit children and grandchildren and which now are called grandmother. They are passing over the row on their way to the grocery store to buy food and such. The fact that they are walking like this to the grocery store is something that happens to seldom and they are aware of it , but they don’t do anything so it can become more often. They walk their beside each other and talks about all that every-day stuff, that you usually talk about. They ask each other about the latest things that have happen in their lives. But they never tell about those thoughts that’s constantly in our minds. The thoughts that they the most want to keep a secret. The youngest are filled with thought fore the future. She worries over the responsibility she feels having over her loved ones. Soon it’s her turn to take care of those who needs her. Soon she has to stand on her in feet’s . Something she’s longing for but in the same time fears the day when she might become lonely. She’s filled whit everything that the future has in purpose for her. Her mother looks at her daughter and sees her self in that age. She has at least done one good thing in her life. She wants to give her daughter everything and sometimes she maybe want to much. She’s scared of that they one day will glide apart. Scared that her daughter is going to take her on path in life and never come back. And like her daughter she also fears that she one day will become alone. Her own mother stars to get old, she is old. And that is what she one day also will be. The old lady looks upon her child and grandchild. They are a part of her and would finally, in a way, also be like her. She looks back in time. Remember the day when her daughter where born and later on when her daughter came to the world. She hopes that she will get to experience a grand grandchild, but she doesn’t dare to hope too much on it. Her husband pasted away a few years earlier and now she knows that it’s her time next, or it at least should be… But that day hasn’t come quit yet. She fills with joy of what the time has given her, but also grief for what the time has taken from her. The three women’s then walks through the doors of grocery store and returns to the mass of people that exist.
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