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Nothing is what it seems like- Part one

If you want me to continue writing this short-story give some comments after you've read it!

It had been a hot and sunny day in California at the year 1995. A loving couple sat next to each other,on a bench, and held their hands tightly as if they would loose each other if they didn’t. The young man which was the one sitting against the young woman, called Laura, gave her a passionate kiss which surprised her and made her face blush. Despite all the horrible things he had done to her she couldn’t stop loving him. Even though she knew that when they got home her screams would be the only thing that would fill the quiet evening. And who could have known or foreseen that because of this ridiculous obsession about this horrible man her life would lead her to something far more dreadful than she could have realized.

“I love him”, she thought for herself when he kissed her. He gave her a smile before turning to the sparkling beach which was far more beautiful than any other days. She gave him a kiss on his cheek but he didn’t notice it so he didn’t turn around. Looking at him she once again as she had always done fancied his good looks and that made her love him even more. “He’s so beautiful”, she told herself. But of course this was only the obsession speaking because if a normal person would have seen him they would have run in horror. His looks reflected his actions and as I have already described what he was capable of you now know how he looked like. He was a monster.

Quote:"Something I've learned from this world is that nothing is what it seems like, and that has made me more careful with my actions."

© Violet
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