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Siraya: "Love at blind sight" Part 6

The night fell and Meris was in her village. Ismer and Honey stayed a few feet away from there and they already had a fire glowing in the dark night. "You know Honey, Meris is quite harsh sometimes. But at the same time it’s like she has a heart of gold"
The horse did not reply, but she bend down on her knees and lied behind Ismer. She wanted to keep him warm.
"You are a lovely horse Honey" he said while smiling and petting her on the head.
"It’s too bad there is no honey around here. I know how much you love it”

Soon Ismer fell asleep and he felt heavier and heavier. His dream took over his conscious and soon he was far away. But what was that sound. In the distance he heard a sound, a noise. He tried as hard as he could to break through the dream and wake up. After a few moments he succeeded.
His eyes opened and he lifted his head to look around. Something was there some moments ago, and now it’s gone. He was fully awake now. What could that be?
Something was breathing over his head. He bended his head back and looked ad the creature that was looking at him, directly at him.
He saw that it was Meris. Her sigh was breaking through his and he did not what to expect from her.
"Do you see me?" he asked quietly.
She came closer to him and bended down over his head. He didn’t have to hold his head lifted anymore to see her, so he rested his head on the ground again.
"What’s wrong?" he asked worrying.
She put her finger to her lips and showed him to be quit. Then she took his hand and held it in front of her lips as she spoke.
” I love him with the veil
It does not matter about the eyes
Even if I can not see I can feel
We don’t need to live in lies
The love between us is about trust
The love between us is about the human
The love between us is a must
The curse can only be broken by a woman”

He knew it. She was there. Bent over his face, held his hands and said the words of the spell. He knew it was her. She was the one who should break the curse. And now she was about to do it. Her eyes closed and she waited patiently. A cold wind started to blow and the leaves circulated around them. Ismer closed his eyes too, and he knew what was had to be done.

The words flew from his lips as a song.
”Despite that words are like clay.
They make you hurt and betray.
Honey words what He will say.
The day He gently catches his prey”

She moved his hand to her lips and kissed his fist.
Then she opened her eyes and looked at him again.
"Yes I can see you!! The night has fallen and I can see you, Ismer!!” she whispered.
Ismer did not say anything. He couldn’t. His breathing was heavy and he was feeling happy.
"I was hoping, that it would be you" were his words, when his breathing calmed.
"I knew that my duty was to save you" She bit her lip. Ismer knew it was hard for her to talk about it. Since she was born she was reminded of her duty to save someone who could not see.
"When you were wondering about my essence, I already knew" She took a break again.
"But I was not sure until I saw you at night”
He caressed her face.
"Don’t worry Meris" He said.
"A life together with you will make us forget the past!!!"
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