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the slap

Her eyes fill with tears of the slap, but she does what she can to hide it. Theirs eyes follows her when she falls of one kick-sled in her stomach. She lies on the floor in the corridor; the guys are pleased and go. She lies crying left, she feels humiliated to they that hit her and nobody other. She knows that it will last so. Without anybody she could not hold back the tears, they show how weak she is. The guys hit and teases her and no one of her ”friends” are saying something, so she knows that she is not worth a lot as the other. she thinks on taking her life, to get away with all pain and she know that she actually is not worth to live, she will take her life, that are she safe on. She looks up and sees straightly in the eyes on a teacher, she turns directly away and tries in order to go from there but she can’t. It hurting so much in her stomach, they have damage her very much this time. The teacher takes while with her and asks her what happened but she only turns away her head and tries to not show that the tears run. It disturbs her. She does not want to speak about what happened.
If the teachers ask her each day she will never tell something at all. She will be treated so. There is no reason to speak about something, for it does not worry them and they can not do something at it. They would only speak about how I’m worth more than nobody else and nobody could be treated like this.
The teacher takes one more while in her and tries to get her to tell what as happened but she do the same thing again she turns away her head. The teacher sees nervous and seems almost desperate now to get her to speak. She bends herself about the stomach. The school nurse calls after an ambulance. Then she lies in the ambulance on road to the emergency ward she was fainted. Her face has begun drop it’s color. She screamed that she where one ungrateful kid that not deserved anything, as ordinary.
The psychologist embraced her and the set so in 40 minutes without saying anything, but now allowed her the psychologist to try to help her. She didn’t need herself no longer, but she could not speak. And now she could come back home and she will be forced back up to the school.
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