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Övriga dikter

“The place for me”

“The place for me”

This is my wonderland
This is my home town
This is the place for me
I want to be free
So give me some space to breath
Don’t fall down on your knees
Don’t break me into peaces

I am running from everything
Just to be free
Where else could I be
Never going home
Never going back
To the place I left

This is my wonderland
This is my home town
This is the place for me
I want to be free
So give me some space to breath
Don’t fall down on your knees
Don’t break me into peaces

Have been here for weeks
Nobody called nobody miss me
Why should I go back
Just to get pushed around
Never going back to that town
I am staying here

This is my wonderland
This is my home town
This is the place for me
I want to be free
So give me some space to breath
Don’t fall down on your knees
Don’t break me into peaces

This is the best place for me
No more nagging
No more Cleaning
Nothing more
That makes me down
Never leaving this town

This is my wonderland
This is my home town
This is the place for me
I want to be free
So give me some space to breath
Don’t fall down on your knees
Don’t break me into peaces

Here I will spend my life
Here I will die
Just to say goodbye

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19 maj 08 - 18:08
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