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You one in a Million (L)

How did I get here
I turn around
And there you were
I didin´t think twice
or rationalize
Cuz some how I knew
Thath it was more and just cemestrie
I mean I knew you were a kind of in to me
But i figure it´s to good to be true
I said pinch me wherse the catch
this time
Can´t find a singel cloude in the sky
Help me before i get used to this guy
They said thath good things take time
But really great things happen in
a blink of an eye
thouge the chanses to meat sombody like you
are million to one
I can´t belive it
Your one in a million
All this time I was looking for love
try to make things work
They warren´t good eunught
til I trough I trough
I´m said I´m done
And stumbule in to the arms of the one
You make me laught aboute the silliest stuff
Say that I´m your dimond in to the rough
When I´m mad at you
You come with your velvet touch
Can´t belive thah I´m so lucky
I have ever felt so happy
Every time i se thah sparkel in your eyes
They said thath good things take time
But really great things happen in
a blink of an eye
thouge the chanses to meat sombody like you
are million to one I can´t belive it
Your one in a million
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jka0921 - 4 jun 08 - 19:54
varför skriver du en sång?:O
LuwwDenisE - 20 maj 08 - 15:03
Jag gillar den sången :]
Jelly - 18 maj 08 - 18:57
åå vad bra!!!

Skriven av
18 maj 08 - 17:42
(Har blivit läst 146 ggr.)
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