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Addictive Smile *One shot* [TH - eng.]

Hey igeen!! Saknat miig? ;D Jag har ju liksom inte vart inne på rätt länge nu, och anledningen till det är.. som det står på min sida, att jag ligger på sjukhus, och anledningen till deeeet, är... hemlig? xD
Fast jag är inte döende eller så iallafall (alltid nåt...).
Men hursomhelst, så är det här alltså en kort TH-FF på engelska som jag bara snabbt slarv-skrev för ett tag sen. Hope you'll like it :D Aaaaand don't forget the commenting, heey! <3 x''D

(Ehm, sorry ifall det är många fel och så.. är fullt medveten om att min engelska inte är 'perfekt' x) Meen.. blir bättre und bättre.. tror jag? xD Och huvudsaken är väl att det är kul, vilket jag tycker att det är :D:D Men scheissse, ska sluta babbla nu xD LÄÄÄS OCH KOMMENTEEEERA!! <3)

Th e room was dark when I peeked in, dark and quiet. Quickly I slinked in trough the half-open door and carefully pushed it shut behind me. It took a few moments for my eyes to get used to and accept the murky lighting, but when they did so, I got the sight of a sniffing, blanket-covered figure in the bed which was placed in the middle of the room.
“Tom? Tom! Are you awake?” I quietly asked as I slowly padded towards the bed in front of me, and carefully sat down on the edge of it. Stupid question, really stupid, actually. I mean, anyone could with perfectly ease see that he was deeply asleep. A sleeping beauty, yeah.
“Tom!” I whisper-yelled again, a bit louder this time.
“Mmmmmmh” he grunted and turned to his other side. The blanket slid down and caused the bare skin on his back facing me. I swallowed hard, cleared my throat and tried again, even louder now:
“Tomii!”. He huffed and twisted in the bed again, and this time his eyes actually fluttered open. He glared at me under heavy eyelids.
“Bill? What is it? What do you want me by now?” he asked, his voice very sleepily and confused. In fact he looked more dead than alive - exactly like I used to do when I was really tired.
“I... I just...” I stuttered and looked away, avoiding to meet his asking brown eyes which looked fixedly at me.
“What, Billie? Come on, let’s couch it up, or I’ll fall asleep again!” he warned with a little smile. "And then you'll be totally forgotten, you know that?".
I sighed, but couldn’t help but smile at the same time. I promise: Each and every of his beautiful smiles are just so... infective. They always make everyone around wanting to smile as well. Honestly I can tell they were like a drug to me; he was like a drug to me. My drug, only my.

“Ehm...Well, I just wondered if I could... if that’s alright for you, that's to say...?” I mumbled, still turning my head away from him. Tom sighed, a dejected sigh. I’m totally hopeless, I know.
“Yes, Bill, of course it’s alright for me. Whatever you want, Billie, you know that. Come on and tell it now, for fuck sake!” he said. I was completely aware about the fact he tried to keep his voice calm and steady, just for my pity sake.
“Yeah, sure, okay... Well, I just wonder if... if I can... sleep here with you? I had a terrifying nightmare, you see, and now it’s totally impossible to sleep, at least in my room and bed, all alone, and... and...”, there I was forced taking a pause in the messy, way too quick-babbled words for taking a necessary breath of air. I could feel my face become hot when I blushed, like a damn girl! I quickly bent down my head in shame, my black hair falling down like a drapery and hiding my face for him.
“Sure you can! Come here then, baby bro” Tom smiled and lifted up the blanket, moving himself out of way and offering a place for me to lie beside him in the bed. I couldn't help but smile widely; a smile of relief and true happiness. Then I quickly crawled into the bed. With a happy little yawn I let my head fall down onto the fluffy pillow, and Tom gently covered my half-naked body with his blanket.
“Goodnight, Tomi” I whispered and curled myself to a little ball as close to my brother as I dared. But not as close as I wanted to be. But what I wanted didn’t matter. Or... it did matter, but in a wrong way. I knew so well it never could be like I wanted the most. Because what I wanted was actually wrong. My feelings for him were wrong. I was fuck too wrong on the whole!
And if you hadn’t understood the point of all this yet, then kind little me will tell it - honestly and without any single ado: I, Bill Kaulitz, am in love with Tom Kaulitz, my brother; my twin brother.
Yes, I know it can be... Okay, it is a little bit weird (and strange, disgusting, sick, wrong?) to love your own twin brother in that way. But as a simple matter of fact, you can’t help who you love, nor make yourself to stop loving he, her or it. Actually I think no love should be forbidden. Love is love, and it’s a natural and beautiful thing in my eyes.

“Goodnight, Billie” Tom whispered back, waking me up from my thoughts to reality again. And to my big surprise Tom suddenly put one arm around me, pulling me even closer to him.
“I... love you” I mumbled, almost shocked by the tight contact. My face was buried into his bare chest, and I inhaled the smell of Tom – he smelled nice, nicer than anything I ever had smelled. I couldn’t see his face from my position, but I could swear he smiled again. That addictive smile. My smile. My brother. My love.

Tom was quiet for a moment or two, but then I heard his soft voice in my ear again:
“You know what? I love you too, little bro, more than anything and everything”.
I hadn’t even time to react – suddenly I felt his hands on either side of my head, pulling my face up to his. Our lips met in a light kiss. Oh, his lips were so soft and sensitive, and he kissed me with devine passion. Shit, my brother can really kiss like a god. I swear, it was like being in heaven - in heaven with Tom. Or even better: In Tom’s heaven.

“Goodnight. Sleep now, Bill” he said and finally pulled our lips apart again. I whined in a vague protest, but he just laughed and hugged me goodnight.
“Hope you’ll dream sweet dreams, baby bro... about me” he grinned again, teasingly, and then closed his eyes. "Tomorrow will be a looong day".

“Tomi? I love you...” I breathed after a while. He didn’t answer or open his eyes, but a little smile drew across his lips again. Addictive smile.
Oh god, I think I fainted. He was so beautiful, so perfect. And he was mine, my own, my precious...

I just lay there still for quite long, listening to his regular light breathing and heartbeats underneath my head on his chest. It could have passed minutes, hours or even days – it made no difference to me. Time just didn’t exist in my world right then.
But when the morning’s very first sunshine shone in trough the thin green curtains, travelled as yellow beams across Tom’s angelic sleeping face beside me, then I finally fell asleep, safe. Safe, and just so happy to be with him.

Goodnight, you sleeping angel twin
Now let’s go for another kind of spin

My friend, don’t you ever be afraid
I’ll always be your aid

If you fall, I promise I’ll catch
Cut our names together into a black patch

Come on, brother, take my hand
Then we can reach for the distance’s beyond land

In the heaven on a cloud we’ll lie
I swear - If you die, I die

We’re like each other’s necessary part
Memory can’t ever lose this ending start

But baby, anything is like before
As one, but yet I love you even more

And whatever happens
Let your Addictive Smile
make us be forever

“If you die, I die...”

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Kommentarer - (Snittbetyg: 5)
EmelieCarlsson - 23 maj 08 - 15:23- Betyg:
Superbra!! :O
Solstorm - 18 apr 08 - 21:43
owwh, tack ska ni ha :')
Jag är okey, fast kommer få stanna här 'ganska' länge, hehm. :/
Men orkar iaf sitta vid datan lite då och då iaf, så you can say I'm at least almost back at dikta<3 xD

Och du, Chillaah, det blir nog tyvärr ingen fortsättning på denna :/ Den är tänkt som en "one shot", och får nog förbli en sån också xD
Meen om du gillade stilen, så kan jag ju alltid skriva nån liknande nån gång :) Är hursomhelst glad att du gillar den <3
Chillaah - 18 apr 08 - 13:51
JA VÄLKOMMERN !:D åhh älskade denna! kan duinte fortsätta ?(: *hundögonen* xD kraaaam <3
KleineTomi - 18 apr 08 - 13:43- Betyg:
helt fantastiskt!Jättebra beskrivningar även om det är på engelska och det är banne mig inte det lättaste!!(Jag har stooora problem med att lyckas med det,kan jag säga...XD)
M-424 - 18 apr 08 - 13:14- Betyg:
Omg du är tillbaka honey <3

Övrig: Mycket bra skrivet. Din engelska är inte så dåligt iallafall hah :D <3

Skriven av
18 apr 08 - 09:48
(Har blivit läst 78 ggr.)
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