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A letter for you

A letter for you

This is for you, my sweetheart
I can’t say that I love you know, or do I? I don’t know, but I do know that I love you. I can explain it for you a hundred times but I don’t think you would understand. I would do anything to be with you today, but baby, I can’t. I could write down a hundred times how much I love you but sweetheart, our love can’t save our relationship now. Do you remember our love and how you said it was you and me against the world? Honey, I still believe in it and I hope you do that to, but I don’t think you do. If you don’t forget about me and live happily ever after with your new boyfriend and with your children if you make some. You will always have my love when you don’t wanna go up in the morning, but sorry, my little darling, I can’t be there for you. I must go now, don’t come after me because I know it only will heart you again and I couldn’t live with that if I hurt you again. You will always be the one for me but you deserve something much better than me. You deserve all the happiness in the world and not only the love that you felt when we were together. When you read that have I already left you, but not because that I wanna go. Just because I can’t stay, for you own sake, you couldn’t live your whole life like you said you wanted to. You are so much better than all the other girls I was with. I didn’t love them like they loved me. Yes, I know, I was unfaithful to you and I always regret that, but you can’t forgive me for that and I can’t forgive myself either because you’re the most beautiful girl in the world and I would do anything to stay with you. I made love with you tonight for the last and I never will be with any other girl. Maybe I will call you sometimes, but you must have some time for yourself first. If you want to you can right back to me, but I don’t want you to call me. It would be to hard for me to talk with you again, I can’t stand to hear your beautiful voice again. All these months I have wonder if you would feel most happy if I leave you or if I ask you to marry me. You are always my numero uno, baby and wo ai ni for all my life. It means that I always will love you and I hope you be a teacher like you wonted to. I don’t wanna sleep alone al these nights but I think you will cry you true the first nights but then I hope you gonna be happy. If you are unhappy when I come back I will never come back again after that time. It always will be you and me in my dreams and yours to if I’m lucky. Save this letter and read sometimes when you are a little low. When you saw me with the first girl, I already knew then that you hated me for that. I hated my self for what I did and actually I still hate myself. I never wanted to hurt you, but I had problem to only be with the same girl and you knew that. I told you when we hade been together in five months. I still want to marry you but you can’t always get everything that you wanna have. I tried to not fall in love with you, but it was easier said that done. In my heart nobody can stop me from being with you but after all these times I cheated on you I can’t stay here. Why things became like they did can’t I explain. I can only wish that you gonna be happy with some nice guy, not a boy like me. And I will change everything if I could. This is my letter for you and I hope you write me back but you don’t have to if you don’t want to. I won’t force you to do anything but even if it couldn’t be we I still wanna be your friend. And honey, remember me when we had our best times. Like that I wish you gonna remember, but if you gonna remember the bad times, don’t remember me at all because I know how much I have hurt you and I am sorry. // All my love to you, the man that never gonna forget you.

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