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Without a trace

She can feel her hair blowing in the wind. But she doesn’t care. Why would she?
It doesn’t matter now. Now it’s too late. She starts walking again. Then she starts running. She have to get there quick. So nobody will recognise her and stop her. Then she can’t do what she wants. She keeps run till she get to the place where she wants to be. On a bridge above a lake. A big lake with no name. Nobody is ever there, only she knows where it lies. She looks down at the water. The night makes it look like it doesn’t have a colour. But it has. It’s black. Black as the night sky with stars falling down. She can see the stars in the water, and the moon.
She can hear the water running and playing, no presentiment about what’s going to happen. She takes a step up so she stands on the row and looks down on the water. It’s not so far down. Slowly she opens her mouth and starts to sing.

Time has run out, for me.
Everything's distant and I don't know what to believe.
It's so hard, lost in the world confusion.
And I need to leave, for a while.
Life is so meaningless; there is nothing worth a smile.
So goodbye, I'll miss you.

And I'm sorry, but this is my fate.
Everything is worthless, no one who wants me to stay.
And I'm sorry, but I've waited too long.
So here's my goodbye, no one will cry over me.
I'm not worth any tears.

Nobody hears it, but she still has to do it. She has to say goodbye. To the night.
She looks up in the sky. Whispers goodbye to the stars.
She takes a deep breath and jumps. Down in the water.

She walks trough the night, but nobody sees her. She’s a ghost. She left the world because they were too many. Too many that hurt her. They made a hole in her, in her chest. And that hole, it destroyed her. Made her leave. Her only friend were the stars, but not even them could make her stay. They made her feel better, but only at night. On days she was alone.
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Kommentarer - (Snittbetyg: 5)
LoveMusic - 26 feb 08 - 18:39- Betyg:
Vacker, så vacker. Älskar hur du skriver.

Denna novellen förtjänar en jättelång kommentar med massa beröm, men jag har tyvärr inte tid just nu förlåt.
TheBlueRose - 26 feb 08 - 15:59- Betyg:
a tear in my eye...

Jag vet inte vad jag ska säga... Jag är helt stum. Du tog mig verkligen med häpnad. Du har använt ett lätt språk, men ändå så vackert. Jag tror faktiskt att den inte hade varit så här bra, om den inte hade varit på engelska, varför vet jag inte. Älskade den, och slutet var helt... underbart "Her only friend were the stars, but not even them could make her stay. They made her feel better, but only at night. On days she was alone."
Jag är inte sådär jättebra på engelska, men jag såg några grammatikfel, men man kan inte ha allt. Underbart skrivet:)

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26 feb 08 - 14:50
(Har blivit läst 65 ggr.)
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