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It started with that Marc, Clarissa’s boyfriend wanted to go to the movies with Robert and me.
Robert was my boyfriend at that time, before I knew who I really was.

Buy two large popcorns and some sodas, okay? Clarissa said. It was something with her that caught my eyes, now after I think it was the she talked, something with her voice I mean. She asked me if I wanted to go to the ladies room. I said okay because I wanted to check my makeup. I put on some mascara before she unlocked the door and came out. We both started washing our hands in silence and just when we were about to dry ourselves on the hand dryer our hands touched, for like a second or so.

The first time I meet Nova was when she was dating Robert and I Marc. We went at the same school, we even had some classes together but never once had I noticed her. It was that night with Marc and Robert that I started to wonder if I really was straight. I told Marc and Robert to buy two large popcorns and some sodas for me and Nova, I wanted to go to the ladies room so that I could be with her alone. I just faked that I was peeing because I needed to think. I thought that I was going mad or something. Even though I was sweating more than ever, I knew that I hade to go out from the toilet real soon. When I came out she stood there all natural and beautiful putting on some mascara. We both washed our hands in something that felt like a hundred years. I tried to say something but everytime that I came up with a good subject the words kind of got stuck in my throat.

I don’t know why but her touch felt amazing, almost like butterflies in my stomach. On the way out I tried to shake the strange feeling off. This was the feeling that I used to feel when Robert touched me and was supposed to feel, not when my hands touched another girls hands. Anyway when we came out, Robert and Marc was waiting for us and we went in. It was a romantic movie, ironically about a girl who was in love with another girl. The movie was interesting but I didn't pay much attention to it.
I couldn't help looking at Clarissa, she was just so beautiful.

When the movie started and the lights came down I started to stare at Nova. I didn't know what was wrong with me. I saw that she was looking back allot. Maybe she thinks I’m crazy, I thought. The movie felt like five minutes because suddenly the lights went on and when I looked at the big screen I saw the credits rolling down the screen. We sat in the car 30 minutes after the movie was over, we were on the way home and had a loud discussion if we should stop at Taco Bell or not. The boys won the discussion so they went in, either I or Nova wanted to go in and eat greasy tacos so we stayed in the car. The radio was playing and one of my favorite songs started to play, it was “Here in your arms”, the best song of the summer. We both sang along or actually screamed along. It felt like we hade known each other forever and when the calm part came of the song we both looked at each other and sang: Our lips can touch and our cheeks can brush, our lips can touch, here…

“Our lips can touch, here”. And then we kissed. It felt unbelievable, a thousand thoughts were running through my mind but I didn't get a chance to really think the through because just a few seconds after we had started kissing Robert and Marc entered the car.
- What the hell! Robert said.
That moment was the most embarrassing moment in my life. And I don't usually think that things are embarrassing. Marc was so pissed that he didn't want to have anything to do with neither one of us. He drove us to my house without even saying a word.
- Have fun, Marc said. Then he and Robert drove away in a speed that was way over the speed limit. I didn't know it then but that was the last night ever that I saw Robert and marc alive.

- Oh, my God I’m so sorry, I said. We were standing outside Novas house and I felt horrible for ruining her relationship with Robert, I didn't care so much about me and Marc, it was going down anyway.
- What? Its no ones fault, it takes two to kiss you know.
I think that I’m in love, in love with you, Nova said.
Those words started up a fire in my heart. I had never heard something that sounded so beautiful.
- I think I’m in love with you to actually, I said. She walked up to me and gave me a long kiss and then she looked me in the eyes and shaped the words “I’m in love” silently in her mouth.
With a smile I turned around and started to walk home, I stopped after maybe 20 steps and looked back, but she was already gone. I started walking again, now with a bigger smile on my face.
The weeks went on without us hearing a word from Marc and Robert. Those weeks were so wonderful. I felt more and more in love with Nova everytime I saw her. She could be reading or watching TV, she just looked so beautiful all the time. We could kiss in public and I know that people were talking at school about us but I didn't care, just if I could be with Nova I was happy. There were also a lot of talk about Marc and Roberts strange disappearing. Then one afternoon I got a call from Marc’s mother, I was speechless. I couldn't do anything else but to run home to Nova.

Those 5 past weeks were wonderful. I remember that I was sitting and watching TV and thinking that I was so lucky to have Clarissa. I still wondered where Robert and Marc were.
That was when the doorbell rang, when I opened the door it was Clarissa. She looked very sad and strange. I told her to come in, we sat down and that's when she told me that Marc’s car had been found by the bridge outside the town. Robert and Marc had been drinking, Marc must have lost the control of the car and crashed into the tree. Robert and Marc were dead. I didn’t know any other way to react but to cry. I cried and cried. Clarissa stayed with me that night, even though I was together with Clarissa now I still had feelings for Robert and she understood that. I knew that I will have to live with the fact that he died because of me and the most heartbreaking thing was that he was mad at me when he died. I didn't get a chance to explain myself. The next evening I was sitting in my bed exhausted of all the crying when Clarissa came in, she had just made a cup of hot chocolate for me.
- Are you feeling better now? She asked.
- Yeah, I said.
And I did, I did feel better know.
- I’m so lucky to have you Clarissa, you know that? I said.
- I love you to, she answered.
I went up from the bed to the desk were she stood and kissed her. She kissed me back and wiped away a tear from my cheek. She took her top of and after that she started to take of mine, while kissing me. She took off her pants and then mine, this time I helped her a little bit. At least with the buttons, my breathing was faster now and we both started to kiss more enthusiastic.
Then she embraced me and gently laid me on the bed.

And here we are now, Robert and Marc are dead but I can live with it because I know that I will always have Clarissa, no matter what. Actually she is laying here beside me on the bed, I’m sitting here and writing, writing the story about us. I think its going to help me to deal with all the chaos in my mind. I’m looking out of the window, the sun is shining. Its going to be a wonderful day today, I can feel it. Every time that I look back at Clarissa from the place where I’m sitting my heart fills with love, this whole room smells love. Love from yesterday, love from today and love from tomorrow. Now I can say that I know who I really am and she does to.

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