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Dikter om sorg

You was my only one

You shined up my day with your smile
You heal my heart You opened it for the world once again
I never though that I could be so happy
I could have killed for you
You said that you loved me
But no…
I can’t realise that you did exact the things that you told me you hated when someone did
I was so stupid so now I have to stand in a corner when you and everyone else points at me
You stand there with all your friends and laugh at me because I loved you
You tell them everything; I can never go out again
I didn’t expected that from you
I can’t realise that I trusted you
But I love you and I hate it
I don’t know what to do…
My heart will never heal again; I can never feel love again
I hate myself for this; even now I can’t stop thinking about you
Why can’t it be as it once was? You don’t care about me anymore
You let me cry You let me get hurt You don’t care what happens to me
You make me love you then you pierce my heart
This is all my fault I could have stooped it I could have listen to everyone how told me that you didn’t loved me
But did I listen? No
I hade to see it with my own eyes and now my heart has brooked in to thousand pieces
Please let me turn back time and let me go home and don’t follow Sara when she told me to go with her home to you
I fall for you the first time I looked in your eyes I felt safe when I’m near you
But all was I lie, I start to believe the things everyone told me, I don’t want to do it but everything points at it
I hate myself!
Why do I have to love you so much?
Why can’t I forget you?
Why did you break up?
Can’t someone answer these questions?
You are in my head; I can’t get you out
All the good memories turn up in my head and remind me of that I love you it’s impossible for me to get over you
How will this end?
A life without love isn’t worth living I want to end my pain here and now
They promised to help me but they lied for me, can’t I trust anyone?
Goodbye goodnight for good.
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