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Water around me
Feels like I’m trapped in lies
Can’t you come and save me?
Take back what you said to me
Make up new lies that I can believe in
Make me happy again

I don’t really care if you lie to me
All I want is for you to make them real
I don’t care about the dreams you tell me
As long as they don’t become nightmares…

You promised me gold, you promised me diamonds
You promised me money and wealthy life
I don’t really get, how you thought I would be happy?

Couldn’t you’ve promised me love or promised me good dreams?
Promised me happiness or being with you?
Couldn’t you have promised me, to take my nightmares away…?

‘cause you see, I don’t really care if you lie to me
All I want for you is to make them real
I don’t care if the dreams you tell will never come true
As long as they don’t become nightmares

Trapped in water, lies, your words
I wanna lift my wings and fly away
But you have bound them to my body
Why don’t you let me be free?

See the flower outside my window
How can it be more free than me?
Simple question I thought, now when I got my mind back in biz
You will never let me be free
You will never let me be happy
And now I’m trapped here forever
Trapped in your lies about a happy future

And I no longer care that you lied to me
All I want for you is to make them real
I don’t care if the dreams you told will never come true
But please, just let me get out of this nightmare…

(HJÄLP MIG NU!! Namn till denna lilla låt tack? Har ingen melodi än, men namn kommer först. Kommentera gärna om ändringar också! Fast namn är viktigast, kommentera o ge mig namnförslag!)
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Maade - 21 jul 08 - 20:19
något med "lies" eller något sånt? :)
banniii - 4 feb 08 - 12:33
hahaha nice =P typ hahahah vet inte Ylvis
hanochhon - 31 jan 08 - 15:30
Take it all back ^^? haha, kom bara på ngt :)
Solstorm - 31 jan 08 - 14:42
"Let me be free", kanske? x)
cissilarsson_ - 31 jan 08 - 13:57
promises to break. ? Haha, kom på det på en gång bara, haha

Skriven av
31 jan 08 - 13:10
(Har blivit läst 81 ggr.)
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