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Dikter om sorg

You waited for heroes to save you from your father

You watched the hero
on tv
and wished you knew
where the heroes went
after they disappeared from the

'Cause you needed one
to save you from the monster
that was your dad
every time the liquor
went to his head

Images of superman
dressed in his tight outfit
flying through the air
like a bullet interrupting the silence
Then batman came
with his black cape
and you saw yourself hiding under it
seeing the bat on his chest
growling in your dreams
scaring your father
to getting sober

You remember when your father
put you on his shoulders
and smiling pointed at the animals in the zoo
and tickled you when you tried to mimic
the sound a dolphin made
swimming around in it's pool
But those memories are only fragments
of your childhood reality
and you knew that after the visit
to the zoo
your father picked up his bottle
and in front of you he swore at the tv screen

You used to be horrified at the words he screamed
hearing your teacher's stern voice telling you
to clean your mouth
and save you from the hell that was waiting
in a humid climate
down bellow

And when you were hiding under your bed
trying to save yourself from your father's flying fists
you closed your eyes
covered your ears
pretending that your mother's soothing voice
was whispering comforting words into your ear
and not your father's screaming
that pierced through your mind
and froze your blood

And then you stopped waiting for heroes
and stopped dreaming of Batman's cape
because if not even the teachers could see
the bruise on your left cheek
and how much it resembled a fist
why would a hero hear
your painful

And you turned off the tv
listening to the bottles hitting the floor

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