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you are my everything

You are the sun who shines in the darkest nights

You are the fire who burns in the cold rain

You are the waterhole in the desert
The moon in the day
And the bird who flyes high

You are the air I'm breathing and the water I drink

If I where a bird, then you're the wind beneth my wings

If I where a fish you're the sea I swim in

What's a bird without its wings?

What's a fish without its water?

And what am I without you?

I'm nothing without you

You really are my heart, with its every heartbeat
You are my soul, with its every feeling

And for me you really are the WORLD!

Thanks for beeing here for me
And thank you for beeing mine

I love you so

"A Heart Without Gratitude, Is Like A Candle Without Its Wick
It Doesn't Burn"
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16 jan 08 - 19:25
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