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the dragon (in english)

Once upon a time there was a dragon king Jonny who lived in a large kingdom somewhere on the shore of East Anglia. The dragon king had a beautiful queen and a gorgeous prince that would one day take over the kingdom. The prince was still young a baby with all amazin’ adventures ahead. The dragon king loved travellin’ so usually he flew with his loyal pterodactyls called blue1 but the dragon king called him Tractorboy. Together they flew high up the sky and searched new areas to invade and occupy and make his kingdom even bigger and also to find treasures cos the queen loved flowers and bling bling.

One day the dragon king flew far away further that he had ever flown with his Tractorboy. They flew and flew ‘til the Tractorboy got tired and crashed down the ground. Once they had crashed dragon king noticed it was dark really dark you couldn’t see a thin’ and it was bit chilly as well. Unfortunately Tractorboy was tired and hungry he had used all his energy and needed to rest and eat to restore his energy. That would take approx. 7 days and 6 nites but the dragon king missed his queen so he couldn’t wait that long. Dragon king had no idea where he was but luckily he had some lucky stars in his back pocket so he had light and bravely he started to walk the path he had found. He strode all nite lon’ and the path led him by the sea and he decided to camp there and wait the daylight to come. When the sun was up the dragon king found the natives but he couldn’t understand their talk they were very loud screamin’ urk urk graaah. Dragon king found it to be similar dialect that the delirium tremens spoke in his kingdom.

The dragon king was desperate how on Earth he could get back home he knew his home was over the sea but it was too far away to swim there and besides the water was freezin’ and the natives weren’t that helpful they only wanted to go hunt and drink. Suddenly the dragon king saw somethin’ tremendous in the horizon that just kept on growin’ bigger and bigger. It was a whale. Dragon king was thrilled that’s what he needed to get back home and cos the whale was red and white in colour he was 100% sure that would be his ticket to home. So the dragon king hurried to the whale and gladly entered it. Dragon king was too tired and thrilled to notice that on the sides of the whale read Viking Line. He wasn’t on his way home instead of that he was on the way to a Viking town.

After a long and bumpy trip the whale docked to a land again. Dragon king wasn’t pleased cos he couldn’t sleep so he was bit tired and the queen didn’t like the dragon king to stay up for all days and nites. The trip wasn’t bumpy cos the stormy sea. The sea was calm but it must have been the whale that was hungry so it was growlin’ rumblin’ all the time. Dragon king strolled off the whale onto mainland but for his dismay he wasn’t home.

He was in a Viking town and he was bit scared he had heard so many rumours and horror stories of brutal murderous bloodthirsty Vikings who had no mercy to anyone. But luckily dragon king found a delegation of friendly Vikings accompanied by a dragon and they took him to a nice place to eat. They had too much choice and dragon king was very hungry so he said stop the multiple task choices and gimme food I’m starvin’. After a great breakfast the Vikings and the dragon showed dragon king the old town. The town wasn’t that old what the dragon king had expected it wasn’t from the Stone Age with caves but a really nice environment and dragon king spotted a nice castle that would be just enough to be his summer cottage for his further visits to the friendly Vikings. Only problem was that the castle belonged to the Viking king and dragon king wasn’t in the right mood to start a war. He was alone surrounded by the bloodthirsty Vikings so he would need some back up from his soldiers. Even though the dragon king was very brave and crazy but unfortunately or luckily to the Vikings he wasn’t that crazy that he would start a war by himself. But he carved down the location of the castle and someday he would return that was his plan.

The Vikings were very friendly even though they looked scary with their iron helmets with horns and long bloody axes. Not all Vikings had horns only those who were addicted and intoxicated by the special berries…. the beer berries. Dragon king wondered what the reason to have horns was. Of course horns looked dangerous and scared the wussies. But the true reason was that the horns were very useful cos they could screw them out and use them for drinking öl. Öl was a good drink made of beer berries that the Vikings loved very much. Dragon king loved öl as well it tasted a lot like his favourite drink at his home East Anglia.

The Vikings took dragon king to their headquarters and taught him a new game that sounded like Italian food. But the game was bit too hard and confusing for dragon king. After all he had only lil’ brain and too much choices only made his brain to halt. The dragon was really nice it taught dragon king to count to 10 and it only blew flames and growl grrrrrrr when it was on the way to lose a game. The time went by very fast dragon king didn’t miss home that much cos the Vikings loved to play and talk with him so he wasn’t lonely and the main chef made all kinda delicious dishes that made him drool for more. After a lot of playin’ and eatin’ and drinkin’ beer berry drinks some of the Vikings got tired and went to sleep but dragon king didn’t wanna sleep the time was very late actually it was early mornin’ already . Luckily one of the Vikings stayed up for awhile longer and played with the dragon king just a bit but soon the last Viking wanted to sleep too so the dragon king tried to be good guest and do like the others.

The followin’ mornin’ dragon king and the Vikings were on the roll again playin’ and wonderin’ when the master chef would wake up but they had already found some crisp bread to eat so it wasn’t so bad. Time flew by while playin’ and soon it was time to go back to the shore the whale was there again waitin’ the lonely riders to enter. So the dragon king entered the whale and sailed to the horizon away from the Viking town and to the shore he had started his journey. As fast as dragon king was back out he spotted his loyal Tractorboy who had restored all his energy. The dragon king and the Tractorboy were together again and flyin’ towards new amazin’ adventures that you might hear later… THE END
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