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You can find love everywhere - Chapter one.

Heard from the club, you’re cheating on me.
Is that true?

“What do you want?” I mumbled into the phone.
“Can you come down here?” The female said.
“Okay ...but it has to be important yah know…” I said and hung up, then walked to the door. I simply stepped out from my apartment, and started to walk down the stairs. There was no need for lock the door. Anyway, when I came outside the building, I realized my still bare chest. I sighed and looked up to the window of my apartment, I didn’t have energy to go up again, and put a sweater on, and so I started to walk to the Blue Fear strip club. As I walked, I wondered why they needed me, on my day off. They promised me to not call me, and what did they do? Yeah, they called me. My thoughts wandered over to that female voice, I didn’t recognize it. Maybe Fujiwara have employed another? Yeah, it probably would be so. After like, thirty minutes, I stood outside the club. On the sign, it stood ‘Close’ whit big letters. I grabbed the door handle, and pressed it down. Unlocked. I walked in, and closed the door after me. I took long steps, and soon I stood in front of that wooden desk, whit golden stripes on. It was very ugly, but chef liked it so… It is his club. He can do what ever he wants to do whit it. A female looked up on me and her eyes stopped on my chest. I sighed loud and she quickly looked up, in my eyes.
“Kurosawa-kun?” She asked and I nodded.
“And you are?” I looked on her and she looked back.
“Ah, I didn’t tell you? My name is Yamada, Yuki Yamada” She said.
“Yeah, you already know me, or?” I asked, and she nodded.
“Only your last name” She replied
“Then, my name is Suichi Kurosawa” She nodded once again.
“Well… Why did I have to come on my day off?” I asked, sounded a bit angry.
“Ah, you se Fujiwara-san is away, on a fast visit in England, and I have no idea how to do this, I mean, how to handle things here…” She said, and I nodded.
“…And you want me to help?” I asked.
“That would be soo nice!” she said and I just rolled my eyes. Now, I said I would help her out. I blame it all on her. She forced me to say that.
“Okay then …what’s your first problem?” I sighed and looked on her. She walked away, and I looked after her, dumb. After a while, she walked to me again, and started to drag me with her. Ah, now I get it, she wanted me to go with her! I walked after her, and looked around on the things in the club. There was the stage, and …I laughed a bit, as I saw a hole on the floor, no idea why I laughed.
“That is the problem” She said and pointed on the hole. I started to laugh loud and some of the guys in the bar, looked on me.
“What’s your problem?!” She said and stared at me.
“Oh my fucking god, how did you do that? Whit your ass?” I said, still laughing. She totally froze and stared at me, then knocked me with her right arm.
“No your idiot!” She yelled and looked angry at me.
“Okay, okay, I was just joking, don’t take it serious”
“But …Hey! Why can’t you fix it yourself?” I said, looking at her.
“Well…” She started but was cut off, when the door blame up, wide.

Forever you and me.
Don’t blame me because of you crappy job.
Don’t blame me, it’s all your fault you’re working on a strip club.

Ursäkta att det blev kort. Fortsätta?
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svikarbarn - 7 jan 08 - 20:16
seriöst jag älskar ditt sätt att skriva. väntar med spänning på nästa del ;)

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7 jan 08 - 10:23
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