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Dead on the out side, but still living inside.

"Nii-san, are we going to need this one?" A blonde little kid said whit a paper in his hand.
"No, just the apple and pen" The older one said.
"Okay nii-san!" The little brother said.
The big brother of them two, put the apple in his right hand, and stung the pen into the apple.
"Nii-san! You broke it!" The little kid said.
"No, look. It's in a different shape now" The little brother looked, and his eyes widened.
"Nii-san!" He yelled, still big eyes" He took the apple, who now was formed as a heart, in his hands and smiled big.
"It's wonderful! You're wonderful, nii-san!" The older of them smiled and clapped his brothers hair.
"Good you're liking it brother!" The smaller of them nodded, then turned around and ran off, out of the house.

Shu looked around himself, nothing much as entire village was destroyed by a hughe fire. Almost all of the grass was bruned away, and the trees was just gone. Nothing left. Apart from the dead bodies. Shu walked around in that area right now, where the fire had been. After about ten minutes, he saw a lot of corpes, of them who had been his friends, and then, he saw his brother. Shu turned away his head, unable to look on his dead brother, who just yesterday ran around in the village, playing games whit the other childrens and stuff like that. Yesterday, all of this dead area was a village, and the fields was full of food. Yesterday... Yesterday, all was alive! Now, no one was, except himself, then. Shu then started to walk again, unable to look at the mess.

Inte mkt till en prolog, eller vad det heter xD Menmen, Fortsättning? ^^' Och namnet Shu, är från en Egyptisk gud kommer inte ihåg villken dock -.-' Men ja, fortsättning?
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Mangasagan - 4 jan 08 - 11:42- Betyg:
Såklart du ska fortsätta:) Tycker den är jättebra:)
950329 - 1 jan 08 - 00:25- Betyg:
jag tkr att du ska fortsätta, bara dt att jag liksom suger på engelska, men ska försöka ta mig igenom novellen iaf XD

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31 dec 07 - 23:52
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