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You can only blame yourself!

Everything became so deeply wrong,
but I hope I´ve hurt you,
just like you´ve hurt me.
I saw your eyes,
they didn´t look nice.
I hope you cry inside,
just like I do.
I hope you feel regrets,
just as me,
I hope you feel lonley, empty inside,
now when you know,
that you´re not the only one who can play with hearts.

I couldn´t help what I did yesterday,
it felt so great to see the same pain in your eyes,
that exists in mine.
I know I did hurt you yesterday,
but I wouldn´t have done it,
if it wasn´t because of you.
The only one you can blame,
is yourself.
You can tell me you didn´t care,
but I´ll know that it´s a lie,
because I saw the pain and the anger in your eyes.
As I said,
you´re not the only one who can break a heart...
Because your eyes told me,
that you really became upset.
I want to tell you that I´m sorry,
but I can´t.

From now on,
I´ll give you the same pain as you´ve gaved me,
don´t try to tell me you didn´t care...
BECAUSE I know that will be a lie.

I saw your eyes,
I saw your pain...
I hope you now,
can understand how I´m feeling inside...
Everytime you walk away from me.

I guess you´re hurt,
´cause you´ve said you doesn´t want to see me in a while...
Inside I do hope you cry...
But in the same time,
I still don´t want you to say god bye.
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28 dec 07 - 19:23
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