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You're my poem...

When I written a poem
Thén I just describing you
every little poem
Describes what you do

Still you can't see
How much you mean to me
I don't understand why
Is it, because you're so shy?

You don't dare to ask me
If my poems are about you
Then you would see
If you would ask me
That I really admire you
And I will always do

As long as the sun will go up
I will never stop...
Stop writing about you
And describe what I feel for you

What I see
And what I hear
Is how it should be
If you would just dear

I would be there for you
Always and everywhere
There isn't anything I would do
To have you near...
Near by my side
With nothing to hide

My boy you're my treasure
You're a real poem
Writing about you...
Is my pleasure
And you should know then
That every word is true

Why denying it?
Why hiding it?
So, I telling you
You are my everything
And I truely love you
Without you I'm nothing

Pleas belive me
Make this go through
Don't deny me
´Cause I can't live without you.
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