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You are like an angel
Englisch version.
In my eyes. you are to beuteful for words. When you look into my eyes i feel hope again. And when you look the other way. my hope fly away. i dont know why my feelin is still in my heart. I cant explain it. I dont want this anymore. you are lika a sunchine and i'am like the rain. You are like the gras beside the beatch, and i'am like the stone on a mountain. You are like i prince in a castle, and i'am like a poor girl on the street. Cant you hear my scream after you? my silent scream, after you. And your beuteful soul.

maby its time to just give up. But you will forever be in my heart. Forever darling. My silent scream will go away in time. One day it will just be like some quiet wisches in the wind. In my eyes you are to beuteful for theese words. You are like an angel, who flyes high in the sky. With the stars and you are to far away for my love is gonna reath you. when i try to describe the feelin when i hug you. oh god. it is so hard to explain.

You are like a preasure, who noone before has catsh. My lips are forever sield. I just can't show you how i feel. My Angel, please forgive my silent. I just cant do it. the sunchine, the gras and the ocean. It all reminds me of you. My prince, my angel. My darling, my preasure. I just cant forgett you. Your smile. will always be in my dreams. Your beuteful and safe eyes will always be in my mind. Never forgett me. I will never forgett you anyway. And your smile. You are like an beuteful angel in my eyes.By.ErikaJogmark 13/12-07
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