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Angelic Faces And Dark Shadows [Kap 4]

I smiled, happily, and looked at him. I yawned again and stretch a little. Uhm …It’s time to get up. Up and home. But, I don’t want to. I looked around, thought a little. My eyes landed on the knife I used last night. My eyes grew wider. Now, I wonder why I did it, but I can’t explain anymore. All my thoughts about to hurt Ryou are gone. Because, I didn’t want to hurt him, actually. It wasn’t me, it was my yami. Well, are Ryou going to accept that? Maybe. I yawned again, and got of the bed. Finally, I stood on the floor. I looked at Ryou, who was sleeping in the bed. Man, how could he sleep again? And, how could he be so tired, we didn’t do anything last night, just ...kissed a little, nothing more. Oh, maybe we did something more, but I’m not going to tell you. An evil grin was placed on my lips. I couldn’t help it, I mean the grin then. I yawned again, and wonder why I felt so tired. Whit, two or three steps, I was in the kitchen. I opened the fridge. I shocked my head, as I remember that I can’t cook. I shocked my head again, and sat down on the kitchen bench, and waited for Ryou to wake. Somewhere, I could hear the doorbell ring. A small sight escaped my mouth, as I made my way to the door. Well, Ryou was sleeping, so then I have to opened the door. I looked who it was, and… Oh …Crap, Bakura. I don’t feel to talk to him, now. Maybe …I could lie? Yeah, a lie. That sounds good.
“Hey …Bakura” I said, looking at him.
“Hi” He answered.
“I just wondered if Ryou came home after the pub?”
“Yes …I carried him home” I nodded.
“Good. May I come in?” I nodded once again.
“Sure” I said, just as I moved.
“Hm … He sleeps, huh?”
“Yeah …How did you know?”
“Intuitions” He smiled. I think it was a fake smile.
“Okay …You can leave a message or something, ?” I wondered.
“But if I don’t want to?” He took a giant step, and stood, like three centimetres away from my face.
“Wh… What do you want, then?” I said, blushed a little.
“Guess” He said whit a grin on his lips.
“I don’t know” I shocked my head. Yeah I know, I called Ryou weak, and all that stuff. But …When Bakura comes, it just …I don’t know, but I become the weak one.
“Didn’t your mother tell you that it’s bad to lie?”
“She did …” I answered.
“Well, why did you lie then?”
“because …” I said, but stopped myself.
“What?” I kept quite I second more.
“Nothing ‘Kura” I finally said.
“Malik, Bakura?” A child like voice said behind me. I turned around, and looked at Ryou, who had got up from the bed, and now stood two meters away from Bakura and me.
“Ah, finally you’re awake” I said, walked over to him.
“Yes …” He yawned and looked at me.
“Hi Ryou” Bakura said.
“Kura, hello!” Ryou shouted and smiled big.
“Hah” Bakura laughed and stroke Ryou’s head.
“Why didn’t you come home last night?” He asked and looked so child like he could.
“Well …Ah, you see, Yami and I walked home to him” Ryou nodded.
“Why didn’t you call? I was worried!”
“Yami …didn’t have a phone” I looked at Bakura. He was lying to Ryou, I could see that in hi’s face, but I didn’t say anything.
“Aha …” Ryou nodded once again.
“Well, you are home now, and that’s good”
“I have to go Ryou” I said quickly.
“I have a date” I lied.
“But …” He said.
“Bye, take care of him ‘Kura” Bakura nodded, as I walked out to the lift.

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Mangasagan - 15 dec 07 - 23:09- Betyg:
Fortsätt så klar:D Den är jättebra:D Gillar att den är på engelska, har sagt det förut men du får ju inte glömma det xD

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15 dec 07 - 22:39
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