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Angelic Faces And Dark Shadows [Kap 3]

I sat up in the bed. The same bed were I and Ryou was lying in. Ryou’s head was on my chest, and a arm of his around my waist. I looked down on him, just smiling a little when I saw him sleep. How could anyone look so good? I don’t know. I just know that models, movie stars, even porn stars paying millions dollars a year, just to looking like this, and my Ryou, he is just born in that way. My smiling grew wider, as a dirty thought came in my mind. Ryou as a porn star, how would that look? I surly wanted to know, I couldn’t deny it. I know that my feelings for Ryou, was strong, anyone, even they didn’t know me, or Ryou, could see it. It was just Ryou who couldn’t see. Or, He is ignoring it. Yeah, it’s maybe like that. I hope not… because, I love him. I wanted to shout out to the world, “Hey, I love you, Ryou!” I looked down at him, still smiling. His eyes twitched again. Wonder why? Well, he wouldn’t tell me if I ask, I think. Anyway, I still wondered what he was dreaming about. I stroke his cheek. He started to blush, and he’s breathing came harder. What the hell is he dreaming about? It’s sound like, he …Well, I think you know already. I stroke he’s cheek again, just to se he’s reaction, nothing happened this time. My hand start to travelling down to his chest. I started to use my tongue to. Just, suck a little here, and a little there. Suddenly, he moved against me, well, his hips. I stopped what I was doing to him. He could wake up any minute now, or …He already IS awake, and just, …pretend to sleep? Maybe. How am I going to know if he are sleeping, or awake? Oh, I know! I just …Well, I’m not going to tell you. Just images you what I’m doing, and ..Uh, I don’t know. Anyway, I can say that my hand is down in his pants now, and now, your fantasy is going to take over. Hope it’s working out for you.
“MALIK!” Ryou screamed, as I was ready.
“Yes?” I said, whispering.
“Did you dream something?” I grinned.
“Well …Yes, I did.” He said, and looking down.
“What was it?”
“Uhm …” He mumbled and thought a little.
“What?” I laughed, and looked at him.
“I …Don’t want to say, that’s all!”
“…I don’t want to, that’s all”
“You have to, I want to know, and it’s you’re fault that I want to know now.” Well, that was just a lot of babbling.
“I’m sure you don’t want to know, trust me.”
“Whatever you say…” I glared at him, ironic. This what, kind of funny for me. I don’t know why.
“Hey, what is it?!” He sat up fast and looked at me.
“Oh ..Nothing” I explained.
“Yeah, sure it is. Malik, are you hiding something from me?” I shocked my head, still whit a grin.
“Nope, I’m not”
“I know you are lying! And I know EXACTLY, what it is!” Oh, hell you do.
“Then, what it is it?” I grinned.
“Well …It is, …I don’t know, maybe, a bunny?” He smiled cute.
“No, it’s note you nut” I laughed.
“What is it then? Tell me! Pleasee?” He know I can’t say no when he do puppy eyes and all that stuff.
“Maybe …I tell you later? It ..can be like a, … Uhm, Goodnight story?” I tried to smile because of him.
“Yeah! That sounds good!” He shouted, and jumped.

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Mangasagan - 15 dec 07 - 23:01- Betyg:
Jättebra:D Gillar att du skriver på engelska, även om jag inte fattar allt xD
kingscross - 15 dec 07 - 08:41- Betyg:
annorlunda på engelska, men en braig èn!!!

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14 dec 07 - 23:36
(Har blivit läst 55 ggr.)
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