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Angelic Faces And Dark Shadows [Kap 2]

“Ryou, I didn’t mean like that!” I yelled, as Ryou had run into the bathroom, and locked the door.
“Are you even listening? Ryou, come on, unlock the door and come out!” Crap, if he is going to be like this, and I have to yell at him, he will never come out.
“Just ...Say something?” I sat down, actually, I was begging him to come out. I pressed my ear to the door, and could hear him sniffle on the other side. Crap, is he crying because that?! He surly is weak.
“Fine, then bye Ryou.” I pretended to slam the door, and then hided behind the bathroom door, and hoped he would open it soon.
“No …No! Don’t go, Malik?” He sounded hysterically. Man, did that scared him so much? I have to keep quiet, or else, he wouldn’t come out.
“Are you there?” He sniffled again, and walked to the bathroom door.
“Hello?! You …You left me, alone, you said you wouldn’t.” I hate to hear him like that, but it was for a good thing, or was it? Uhm …Yeah. It was. Crap, I couldn’t pretend anymore, I walked to the door, opened it, closed it, walked to the bathroom again.
“Ryou, I just kidding, I’m not going to leave you.” Well, that sounded pretty, dumb? ...Yeah, it did.
“You’re …Just kidding?” Ryou sniffled, and then opened the door.
“Malik Ishtar, why did you do that for?!” Man, he surly can scream.
“I like to cause pain, my little one.” A small grin was now placed on my lips, as I looked at him.
He didn’t answers that. Just as I thought, he started to blush, and looked down on the floor. His eyes was sending big tears, I reacted on my own way, licked it of his beautiful cheek. I have wanted to cause more pain than that. And yes, it’s have go like I wanted. I turned around, and walked out to the kitchen, Took a shining knife.
“Ryou, come here.” I yelled, and watched him come. Watched he’s eyes when he saw the knife.
“I won’t hurt you, just cause a small pain.”
“N …No, NO!” He screamed, and run to the bedroom this time. That didn’t do so much, because, this time, he forgot to lock the door. I looked around, still whit a grin on my lips, as I finally stood in front of the door, who had Ryou behind it.
“Deer Ryou, we’re just going to play, a nice good play. Don’t you want to do that?” I sounded psycho, well, that’s just what I was. Anyway, I easy opened the door, and walked in. My eyes searching for Ryou. Ah, there. Now my deer, time to play.
“Hi, my beloved.” I said, as I lifted him up in my arms. I buried him to the bed, threw him on it. Ryou give me a small whimper, to tell me that he had hit himself. I didn’t care. I grabbed the knife again and then I placed myself on him, again. Whit my left hand, the hand I didn’t hold the knife in, I lifted Ryou’s head. I licked the edge of the knife whit my tongue. Then, I let it stroke his belly. He looked terrifying at me, and then down on his stomach.
“Do you like it Ryou?”
“…No” He answered truly.
“You’re lying” I said, and pressed the knife down. Ryou’s eyes were wider then ever. He shock his head fast, and was just about to scream, as I took the knife away.
“I’m not lying” He said, crying again.
“How do you suspect that I was knowing that? You didn’t even tell me.”
“I …I did tell you!”
“No, you didn’t”
“Prove it”
“I …Can’t”
“Just like I said, you didn’t tell me”
“I did!
“Shut up!” I surly sounded like my yami, or …Was it not me who was doing this, was it’s my yami who caused pain to Ryou? A second later, I understood it was me, me who did this to Ryou. I just didn’t why. I dropped the knife, and stared at Ryou’s face.
“Sorry ...I …I lost myself” I explained, hoped he would accept that. He didn’t say anything, I guessed he was paralysed, like I was just a few minutes ago. He started to sniffled again.
“It …It wasn’t you …It was Marik*, right?” I nodded.
“I’m not sure, but I think so.

*= Marik is Malik’s other self.

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Mp3 - 15 dec 07 - 02:54
Jättebra! und jag håller emd Mangasagan, det är joit att läsa på engeslkacmen det funkar :) <3
Mangasagan - 14 dec 07 - 22:46- Betyg:
Jag tycker att den är bra:D Lite jobbigt att läsa på engelska (bara för att jag suger på det xD) men ändå kul, fattade typ nästan allt:D *Stolt*
Fortätt ofc:D

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14 dec 07 - 22:14
(Har blivit läst 65 ggr.)
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