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Angelic Faces and Dark Shadows [Kap 1]

Jag kände för att skriva på engelska, så, nu blev det det XD Det är Yu-Gi-Oh! Fanfic, med parningen Ryou x Malik :'3 Häh, men gillar Kura x Malik mer Oo' jag gillar inte smygläsare. Ursäktar också stavfelen ^^' Gramtiken kan också vara lite crappy .___.'' Anyway, let's enjoy :'3 Owh, It's Like, Yaoi :'3

Just three or five steps now, and then we’re home. Ah, finally home! I opened the door, and balanced him on my free hand. Whit the other hand, I closed the door. His head lay on my shoulder by now, and I looked at him. He looked so …Happy. My thought was so fixed on him, that I realized that I sat on his stomach, too late. I just looked at him. Couldn’t do anything, I was paralysed, hoping that he wouldn’t wake up now. He’s eyes twitched. I held my breathing, as I thought he wouldn’t wake up then. But he didn’t wake up. Lucky for me. Whit my left hand, I stroked his hear, slowly and carefully. Just so I was sure he didn’t wake up. Nervous, as I was, I looked up, just as I thought eyes we’re fixed on me. I looked down again, and there were the eyes. It was he, my sleepy, little drunk angel, who was looked at me, frightened. Oh deer, how on earth should I explain this!? “Oh Yeah, I stumbled, and you to, so you, kind of … was on my shoulder one second, and the next one, you was on the floor, and somehow, I sat on you.” Oh man, that sounded so crappy.
“Ma …Malik?” I looked at him again.
“What are you doing?” He blushed, pretty much.
“I don’t know, do you?” Oh yeah, sure he do.
“I …I” I raised an eyebrow, and looked at him.
“Never mind.”
“Well, then …Bye, see you tomorrow.” I finally got up.
“But …” Was it just me, or looked he sad?
“What?” I asked then.
“I just wondered if you … I don’t… I’m kind of afraid to beginning alone, would you stay whit me? Please?”
“Okay, sure, anything fore you.” He blushed, again.
“Tha ..thank you, Malik.” He said.
“No problems.”
“Ah, Ryou? Are Bakura home?”
“Well …No, it’s just me and you. Why did you wonder?”
“Nothing, just wondered.” I said quickly. Ryou nodded. I looked at him, alone whit my little angel, who still looked sleepy. I stood in the hallway, when Ryou on the other side was in the kitchen by now. How did he that? Did he teleported himself, or what? I yawned, as I walked in to the kitchen, looked at Ryou, who had a pot of honey in his hand.
“Ryou …?” When he realized what I thought he was doing, he blushed, quite much. Stupid mind. How on earth could some like Ryou think of that, and why did I do that now?! Man, I just hate myself sometimes.
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Mp3 - 15 dec 07 - 02:49- Betyg:
jättebra :) <3 men ja föredrar att läsa på svnska ^^ :P <3

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14 dec 07 - 21:10
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