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Dikter om sorg

You make my life misery

You are the most important thing in my life
Still, it's you who is pressing the knife
The knife that stabs my heart, that makes my life a hell
This isn't a fairytail, it's one of those storys that noone will ever tell
You are my biggest love, and you're the one that hearts me the most
In my life, I will never reach the coast
I'm trapped inside this world, in my nightmare
And it makes me scare
The thought of that this will find no mercy
I will keep loving you, and you pushing me to my own misery
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zoey94 - 10 nov 07 - 12:21
gaaah skrev fel skulle stå "And you're the one that hurts me the most" inte "hearts" xD
om ni fattar O_O''

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8 nov 07 - 17:09
(Har blivit läst 307 ggr.)
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