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forgive me=(

Tell me whats wrong, I can bare the truth,
don't be mad cuz it's just the youth.

I hope u'll get over it cuz i'll always love you,
bond in family don't end that soon.

I care about you, but you don't onderstand,
I want you'r best but you see it as a threat.

What is it i suppose to do to make you onderstand that i only care,
how do i suppose to say that what you do, I can't bear.

Can't bear to see you'r self get hurt that way,
loving you is hard, even asking my self if I may?

I'm sorry for eny pain i've put you through,
regreting is what i do.

But living the life is also something im trying to do,
teaching u how to handle the truth
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13 okt 07 - 17:53
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