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Everything goes at the wrong way,
I just want in my bed lay.
All tings that maked me sad,
Now it just make me mad.
I want my angry to take out,
I just want to shout.
No one could ever understand that,
All they could say was, What?
You are the one who’s try,
But I really don’t understand why.
You are to good for me,
But you my feelings can see.
And now the real world begins,
It was a real time since.
All the homworks you have to do,
Mayby that’s good I don’t have to think at you.
Now the leaf become yellow,
And the depression becomes over my fellow.
But I hope this year we gonna keep it up,
And the sad things we gonna stop.*

But I want to do the right thing,
Becaouse you really make me sing.
I know you don’t think like I do,
And mayby you have right after all you been trhough.
Are you just trying to get me a really good start,
Or should I listen to my heart?
But if he feels like I feel,
I think I have to go and see,
You know if he answer my feelings,
But is really friends and love the life meaning?

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Anniee - 28 aug 07 - 20:02
Alltså hur fan bär du dig åt, ENGELSA dikter är realy hard.
GissePisse - 28 aug 07 - 19:40
Oh guuud va fint Elin :) <3
Verkligen så jätte fiin :)

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28 aug 07 - 19:37
(Har blivit läst 133 ggr.)
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