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Welcome to the future

Det här är en novell som jag har skrivit på engelska.
Det här är enda delen, det kommer alltså inga fler delar.
Meningen är väll... jag vet inte riktigt, att visa hur stark kärleken är?
Det finns säkert några stavfel och sånt, men jag tror att det inte är för många.
Kommentera gärna, jag uppskattar konstruktiv kritik!

"Hey, Billie!" Isabelle turned around and looked into Benjamin's green eyes.
"Hello, Ben." she said and she found herself looking into his eyes again, there're so green. Benjamin is Billies's best friend and she likes him very much, maybe too much. They started to talk and after a while Billie could see a a girl in her and Ben's age, the strange thing with her was that she was naturally red-haired. Billie haven't seen a red-haired girl in years, everyone that she know is blond or black-haired, except Ben who has dark brown hair. She don't know why their isn't any red-haired people in the town, she haven't thought of it before.
"Hey, Ben, look at her." she said and Benjamin turned around. He inspected the girl and then he started to talk again.
"I haven't seen her here before, but she looks nice." he said.
"Yeah. She doesn't look like one of those bitches." Billie muttered. They changed topic and either Billie or Benjamin thought more of the red-haired girl.

Isabelle is a 16 yers old girl, but everyone call her Billie. Her father died in cancer and her mother commited suicide when Billie was a little girl because she thought that it was too hard to take care of Billie all alone. The welfare authorities found a new family for Isabelle but they thought that she was a strange girl, they went to the doctor with Billie and the doctor said that something was wrong with Billie, she could here voices, voices which nobody else could here. Billie's new family didn't want to take care of her anymore so the welfare authorities found a new family again. Just when the little girl thought that everything would be okay the new family said that they didn't like her, they thought that she was too strange and they didn't want their kids to be like her. Now she wasn't so small anymore and she had learnd to not trust anyone except her own demons. But then she meet Benjamin who becomed her best friend, he wasn't one of her demons but she trusted him. The welfare authorities didn't found a third family for Billie, they decided that she should live in a home for strange kids. And there's where they meet each other, Billie and Benjamin... And that's how the story goes, Billie and Benjamin still lives there, at the home for strange kids.

Benjamin's story is not like Billie's, but he has also been though a lot. His mother was raped by Benjamin's father when she was very young and she got pregnant. When the baby was born she decided that she didn't want to see the baby again, never. The baby was Benjamin. The welfare authorities found a family for Benjamin, he lived there a long time but then they noticed that Benjamin wasn't normal, he often was seized by panic without a reason. He moved to the house for strange kids and then he meet Billie. Except for the thing with the panic he his totally normal, and the same thing with Billie, if it wasn't for the voices she could her she would be completely normal.

Billie could see a red-haired girl, she looked so evil, she looked like she wanted to hurt Billie. And Benjamin was there too, but he was... dead. The red-haired girl had killed Benjamin! Billie could hear someone who was singing, it sounded just like Benjamin, but it couldn't be Benjamin, he was dead! Suddenly Billie found herself flying in the sky, but... she was afraid, she was running away from... something. From someone... the red-haired girl! Billie could feel that she had wings, but the red-haired girl had also wings. The girl camed closer and closer and Billie tried to fly away but she... fell. She screamed, the red-haired girl had killed Benjamin! And she had probably killed her too...!

Billie woke up, screaming. She was all sweaty, but she was also relieved. It had just been a dream, the red-haired girl is not evil. Billie is not dead. Benjamin is not dead! Then she heard a voice, one of those voices that just she could hear.
"It wasn't a dream. He is dead. And you'll bee dead too, soon." Billie is crying now.
"No! You're lying, he's not dead!" she cried. The voice didn't answer, Billie wanted to go and check that Benjamin was okay, but she didn't dare. Then she heard a voice again, and she was pretty sure that the voice didn't belong to one of her demons.
"Hey, Billie, what is it? I heard the noice and..." Benjamin said and then he saw that Billie was crying.
"Benjamin!" she cried. "You're... you're not... dead!" She got up from the bed and gaved Benjamin a hug. Benjamin seemed to be confused, but he was used to this. This is not the first time that Billie woke up screaming and she had heard voices for... years.
"No..." Benjamin whispered. "No, I'm not dead." he said and huged his friend.
"A-a-are you... sure? I'm not alone?, not yet?" she cried doubtful.
"Yes, Belle. I'm sure." he said, Benjamin is the only person who call her Belle, but he do it rarely. "I won't leave you, not now. I must die some day, but I won't die today. And not tomorrow. And probably not the day after that." Billie looked into his wonderful, green eyes again, the wore so beautiful.
"Everythin' will be okay." Benjamin said.
"WiIl it? Can you promise me that?" Billie cried.
"I can promise you that I will never leave you, I'll always be here for you..." he said and looked into Billies beautiful, big, brown eyes. And then he kissed her. She looked suprised and very confused, Billie loves Benjamin, and not just like a friend, but she is not sure about what Benjamin feel. Benjamin could see that Billie looked suprised and confused.
"Sorry." he whispered, had he made thing worse now?
"No... no, it's okay." Billie said, Benjamin looked at her. "I love you." she said then.
"You do?" Benjamin said, suprised but happy.
"Yeah." she said. "Yes, I do."

A few years later Billie and Benjamin have left the home for strange kids, they lived together in an other town. They loved each other, Benjamin wore not only Billie's boyfriend, he was also her best friend, he was the only one that she had ever trusted and for the first time in her life she was happy. Benjamin isn't seized by panic so often anymore and Billie can't hear voices. Sometimes she wakes upp, screaming, after an other dream about a dead Benjamin, but when she does he always console her. He told her the truth the night a few years ago, he will never leave her, he will always be there for her, when she smiles but also when she cries, and even though that Billie haven't promised Benjamin the same thing he know that she won't leave him, she will be there for him and he will be there for her. Forever.
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AngelXMadd - 22 aug 07 - 19:35
Jätte bra ju! :D
SilverAndCold - 20 aug 07 - 23:18- Betyg:
Jättebra! :D <33

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31 jul 07 - 22:13
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