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your help isn't very helpfull

i'm sick of all of you putting people into different categories
Just let it be, let us live!
I don't want to be call "emo" and other just because i'm not feeling well.
I'm not supised to stans up to that shit. And tolerate it
Let it be, let i be, let it be!
I'm sick of it all, i'm sick of you all
Can't you see that you're pushing me closer to the edge, and soon you'll be the course of my fall.
You're not making thing better by telling me what you think of my kind.
You know, i'm not going to change, just because you say i'm wrong.
This is who i am. I don't say i like it, but it's just the way it is.
You do know that i miss the brightness, don't you?
But i'm not going to stand here and pretend that this isn't what i feel.
I'm not a freaking fake like you.
Deal with it, and stop try to make a differense. You're not helping.
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11 maj 07 - 03:57
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