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Övriga dikter

Broken promise

First thing to do was to promise
myself never let you take my soul away from me,
like everything else it faild.
First word you spoke to me was the first time
my soul was worn.

All the words you screamed at me made my soul
shattered in pieces.
Pieces I desperate tried to put together again.

You look at my thinikng I'm pathetic,full of disgrace
telling my I need to be strong to smile again
But you're not the one who have to rebuild a soul again.
Nothing is like it ever was before
Don't know myself anymore, need to create a new person and
get to know it all over again.
But the person I create is the person I hate.

My heart fears my mind, cause it's going insane.
And there is nothing I can do to stop it, just look
at the mess it creates.

I will never feel again
Feel the love you give me
Feel the sun shine against my skin
Feel tears run against weat cheeks

And all of this beacuse of you,
not even your pathetic life can replace all
you've stolen from me.
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6 dec 05 - 07:14
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