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9 words about you

He can be described by many words but the first time i met him, there was only one.


The second time he was sitting alone watching the sun set with a pained and far away expression.


The third was formed during a fight. A word about his family was all he needed to hit me and THAT was all needed for me to hit back.

Obviously it went to far.


The foruth was simple all i had to do was watch him and I thougth of it


the fift was a coincidence. I saw him talking to thin air... He actually laughed happily for once and i could only stare.


Then he looked at me with the sixt shining in his eyes


But behind it the seventh was hiding with a begging look


The eighth grow from just beeing an empty word to a living, gloving divine teaching and formed a small 4 letter word


Now I'm standing here and I can only say one thing to thin air before I turn away from the path I was redy to take.

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Mandro_Nattdolk - 17 apr 07 - 02:16
Kan även tolkas som kärlek men jag tänkte det till en vän så vad fan ska man göra?

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17 apr 07 - 02:16
(Har blivit läst 94 ggr.)
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