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Dikter om vänskap

a friend

A friend is a person you can trust,
who won't turn away from you;
a friend will be there
when you need someone,
and will come to you
when you need help....

A friend will listen to you
even when they don't understand
you or agree with you feelings;
A friend will never try
to change you,
but appreciate you for who you are.

A friend doesn't expect too much
or give to little;
A friend is someone you can share
dreams, hopes, and feelings with.

A friend is a person you can think of
and suddenly smile;
A friend doesn't have to be told
that they are special
because they know you feel that way.

A friend will accept you attitudes,
ideas and emotions,
even when their own are different,
and will hold your hand
when you are scared.

A friend will be honest with you
even when it might hurt,
and will forgive you
for the mistakes you make.

A friend can never disappoint you,
and will support you
and share in your glory.
A friend shares responsibility
when you have doubts.

A friend always remembers
the little things you have done,
the times you have shared, and the talks you had.
A friend will always bend over backwards
to help you pick up the pieces
when your world falls apart.

A friend is one of life's
most beautiful gifts.
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