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Wonderful English

I know Swedish, I know English,
and I´m learning spanish.
But the best of all is of course English!
Actually Brittish English is the best.
I love the sound of it.
Don´t you?
It sound sort of classy.
And least of all trashy.
It souds good,
It fits for all moods.
It´s so hot!
And Sweadish, is not.
Swedish sounds boring, like you just want to die,
but English sounds funny, like you just want to fly!
Fly up high!
Spanish is OK, but it´s not very special.
So I´m not going to talk about that anymore. But,
If you want to sound classy,
not at all trashy,
If you want to sound funny,
like a furry little bunny,
If you don´t want to sound so corny,
and weirdly horny,
If you want to sound smart,
and not like you work at the Wal-mart.
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Kommentarer - (Snittbetyg: 5)
prickigthallon - 5 maj 07 - 00:53- Betyg:
Haha xD Den var jättebra, Jenny!
Kram Annie (Går i jasmins klass)
hon_som_finns - 30 apr 07 - 01:36- Betyg:
Ha ha, that's cute we should talk Moore English perhaps you move to
England one day and you don't have to talk any Swedish at al.
Elefanten93 - 25 mar 07 - 05:43

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23 mar 07 - 03:06
(Har blivit läst 106 ggr.)
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