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Cut Above The Rest

there's nothing I need than my eyes and a knife
my eyes to start crying, the blade for my life
the blood as it rushes, evading my fears
crimson the knife, flowing the tears

no one knows that I'm crying or knows that I'm hurt
the blood like a cancer, it spreads thru my shirt
I wish it would end, but I begged it would start
a mixture, confusion, my mind and my heart

i cant tell my friends, they already know
they say "for attention", that's lower than low
they think that its funny, they think I'm a toy
but I'm nothing more than a broken down girl

you call me an "emo". you laugh when I cry.
you giggle with laughter if I wanted to die
if you listened to me and heard what I say
you'd see all the problems and hate on display

knife breaks the skin, my eyes closing shut
in need of the pain, the rush from the cut
the blood as it oozes, drips down my arm
another sad victim of stupid self harm
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Chastity - 4 jan 09 - 22:01- Betyg:
underbart! <3 =D

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8 feb 07 - 04:02
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