Persson i buskarna |
when i grow uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup i wanna be like madooonaaaaaaaaaaaaaa when she siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiings like a praaayerrrr.
When i grow uuuuuuuuuuuup i wanna be a sugaaaaaaaaaar mammyyyyyyyyy
I wanna treeeeeeeat my kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiids gooooood when they cooooooooooome hooooooome from schoool
Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii wannnaaaa baaake theeem cooookies with chocolaaaate in iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
I wiiiiiiiiiiish Persson waaas myy huuusband soooooo i coooould treaat my dog gooood....
when the kiiiiiiids grow uuuuuuuuuup i wiiish thye becoooooooooome uglyyyyy and poooooooooooooooooor just like theeeeeeir mooooooooooooother
When i make guacamole i think of my future in the kitcheeeeeen. I thoink of all the goood times when i cleaned the flooooooooooor.
But persson always hided in the bushes and he only came fram when i screamed i see russians in my garden!!!!
jag mår skit
Kommentarer | SwagYoloGirl - 9 sep 19 - 15:11 | Skit bra, önskar jag kunde skriva likadant som dig någon dag! |