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Dikter om barn

"to my grown up son"

my hands were busy through the day
I didn't have much time to play
the little games you asked me to,
I didn't have much time for you
I'd wash your clothes, I'd sew and cook.
But when you brought your picture book
and asked me please to share your fun
I'd say "A little later son"
I'd tuck you in all safe at night,
and hear your prayers turn out the light,
then tip-toe softly to the door
I'd wish I'd stayed a minute more.
For life is short, the years rush past, a little boy grows up too fast
No longer is he at your side
his preciuos recrests to confide.
the picture books are put away
there are no longer games to play.
no goodnight kiss, no prayers to hear.
that all belongs tp yesteryear.
My hands, once busy, now are still
the days are long and hard to fill.
"I wish I could go back and do,
The little things you asked me to"
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sagamajan - 31 okt 11 - 23:48
Så vacker och sorglig..
- 12 jul 11 - 22:22
My name is Mis loveth ,i went through your profile to day and i wish to continue relationship with you if nature will permit we have a long way to go.
to tell you more about myself and including some pictures of myself too. I will like you to get back to me through my private email (lovethowo@yahoo.com)
Trams - 10 jan 10 - 00:55- Betyg:
så fejn

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6 jan 10 - 17:01
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