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I hear 3 voices
Each beautiful
In their own way.
All begging me
to stay
All holding me
So close.
I dont't know
Which voice to
run to.
I dont know
Where to go.
I need them
I want them
to need me
Things will change
One voice
will fade out
he will no longer
The other two
Still beging me
One very familiar
the other
I share a secret with
But the voice
will never tell.
I dont know
where to turn
I'm torn
between them
The voices are
getting impatient.
They all want me
to chose.
Who do you love
You need to chose
your Prince.
Who will save you
from the dragon
Who will go there
with you.
What voice will stand
the test of time
Who will be loyal
and true to their word?
I love only one
But what voice?
Fair princess
I hear them shout.
The time has come.
You have to chose.
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25 sep 06 - 18:45
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