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In English: To smell hair and panties

I don’t know how to

tell you that I died

twenty-something years ago

but that it hasn’t ever stopped me

from trying


And my dead-ass heart

will still get a heartboner everytime

I taste you,

unlike Pop Tarts or strawberry juice

or mixed cum dripping out of a one night stand

or anything that is dull and sad


What if I told you that

you keep me from painting subway tracks

in guts and brains and love?


Or that if you had a dick I’d suck it


If you had a fifth or tenth hole I’d fuck it


I bet having just one finger inside you feels like the first day of spring

and your tampons could be the sun drying up

snow, hiding every trace

of winter

(Now that’s sexy)


Maybe I’ll settle with

comparing your laugh with the

sound of lips against lips

or lips against the

tip of my dick

whatever the most poetic


Maybe I should just

shut the fuck up and hold your hand

like folded origami

biding my time

I wonder.

I wonder.


This is me telling the bitter truth:

I want to sniff your hair like it

was my first girlfriends panties

and also

I love you

there is nothing more to it
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beatriceni - 28 sep 14 - 03:38
Ser inga grammatiska fel. Tyckte mycket om att läsa den här dikten, den känns lekfull och allvarlig på samma gång och det finns många underfundiga formuleringar. Bra!
Dufwan - 13 nov 13 - 23:43
Påpekandet av grammatikfel uppskattas, även om det ibland är medvetet. Är ingen mästare på engelska.

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13 nov 13 - 23:42
(Har blivit läst 167 ggr.)
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