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Denna kategori är till för kärleksdikter, dikter om lycklig kärlek, romantiska dikter och andra fina dikter som på något sätt har med kärlek att göra. Dikter om olycklig kärlek och brustna hjärtan går under kategorin dikter om sorg. Klicka här för att skicka in ditt verk
Kategori Titel Datum Författare Kommentarer Senast kommenterad
you can 20 nov 07 gili12 0 -
You Came To Me 11 feb 08 Oneself 1 11 feb 08 - 23:46
You came into my life 26 feb 09 IceSweet 2 27 feb 09 - 11:55
you came into my life 15 mar 07 x_LoVeKiLLs_x 2 16 mar 07 - 01:56
you came and saved me 3 okt 06 milkcar 2 3 okt 06 - 04:31
You Came 10 nov 06 MizzKelly 0 -
You broke my heart 6 jan 07 stargirl91 0 -
you bring me down. 3 sep 09 caroline- 1 4 sep 09 - 23:12
you bring me back to life 31 aug 09 smc 4 31 aug 09 - 21:46
You belong with me 12 okt 09 Emiz_14 1 13 okt 09 - 20:33
you asked me! 27 jun 08 melliew 0 -
You as you ? 26 aug 06 ylv4 1 26 aug 06 - 06:04
You are........ 17 sep 08 CuteCactus 1 18 sep 08 - 07:39
you are.... 15 nov 07 _alone_ 1 15 nov 07 - 18:30
You are...<3 3 dec 08 Aniienilsoon 1 5 aug 09 - 23:13
You are... 21 feb 11 Utvald 2 22 feb 11 - 00:33
You are... 4 sep 05 MurderMyDolls 1 4 sep 05 - 08:26
you are. . 16 dec 06 stinamelin 2 23 jul 07 - 16:12
You are, beloved. 16 mar 10 Inova 0 -
You are<3 31 okt 08 Party_Myran 1 31 okt 08 - 21:07
You are You 12 feb 13 djok00 1 12 feb 13 - 10:16
You are worth... 10 nov 06 sannafrykman 1 13 nov 06 - 22:26
You are wonderful 29 nov 06 Mango__ 0 -
You are too late! 16 jul 10 devilseye 1 21 jul 10 - 01:34
You are to me 15 apr 07 farhia 1 15 apr 07 - 23:53
You are to cherish 9 okt 08 MissVivve 0 -
you are to beautiful. 4 nov 07 samno 0 -
You are there you be. 6 aug 07 steffi 0 -
You are the wings of my heart 26 aug 06 InDarkness 0 -
You are the story that I love 25 jan 09 sandruskapuska 0 -
you are the only one.... 21 nov 07 fofo-ros 1 21 nov 07 - 20:55
You are the one... 21 apr 06 jeantan 1 21 apr 06 - 04:01
You are the one for me :) 8 aug 07 _jenniii_ 0 -
You are the one for me 3 dec 08 Yosse94 2 3 dec 08 - 21:02
you are the one .. 3 aug 07 Sorrow_ 0 -
You are the one 22 apr 09 deepfeelinginme 2 22 apr 09 - 23:20
you are the one 28 maj 07 babelibuba 0 -
You are the one 14 jul 06 Lillegris 0 -
You are the love... 4 jun 07 pija 1 4 jun 07 - 22:17
You are the Faith in my heart 1 jan 08 Little-Queen 0 -
you are the drug! 26 dec 05 Anniiiiii 0 -
You are the definition of beauty. 24 jul 14 Bouarada 2 27 jul 14 - 22:05
You are the brightest star. 20 sep 09 jussi 0 -
You are the beauty in my life 17 nov 07 dream_guy 1 17 nov 07 - 11:05
you are special 9 mar 09 Zeroniis 2 12 mar 09 - 04:40
You are so mutch! 5 okt 08 Danke 4 8 okt 08 - 19:23
you are perfect! 1 nov 06 sofhak 0 -
YoU ArE mY....... 11 apr 07 oliwia_jag 4 12 apr 07 - 19:31
you are my sunshine and you make me happy 13 dec 06 maskrosbarnet 0 -
you are my sunshine <3 29 jan 07 steffi 3 29 jan 07 - 04:45
Sida föregående 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 nästa
Hur många resultat vill du visa per sida? 10 25 50

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