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Denna kategori är till för kärleksdikter, dikter om lycklig kärlek, romantiska dikter och andra fina dikter som på något sätt har med kärlek att göra. Dikter om olycklig kärlek och brustna hjärtan går under kategorin dikter om sorg. Klicka här för att skicka in ditt verk
Kategori Titel Datum Författare Kommentarer Senast kommenterad
your 15 aug 06 Tesslan 0 -
Your 2 jun 06 Annamedw 0 -
Young love. 17 aug 06 FerglagdFalaffel 1 17 aug 06 - 17:38
You...... 3 jul 07 RebeckaJohansson 0 -
You.... 27 maj 06 loveyou_89 2 3 jul 07 - 07:07
You... 24 apr 09 Pussgurkawn 0 -
you... 11 maj 07 Sanjisna 0 -
you.. [v] 21 nov 07 steffi 0 -
You.. <3 21 dec 05 malle-nalle 1 23 dec 05 - 21:46
you.. 2 dec 07 Maidens_blush 1 27 mar 08 - 17:34
You.. 27 dec 06 Sweet_girl_13 0 -
You.. 15 dec 06 Tjejjen92 0 -
You.. 11 apr 06 kacka 1 12 nov 09 - 18:31
you., 20 feb 08 JuliaBilling 0 -
you. <3 1 feb 07 Flikkan_Majjan 1 1 feb 07 - 01:11
You. 14 dec 09 gute88 0 -
You. 21 sep 08 MsAnanas 0 -
You. 3 jul 07 Letmego_ 2 4 jul 07 - 09:50
You. 6 nov 06 falskverklighet 1 6 nov 06 - 04:11
you. 25 okt 06 jessie3 1 27 okt 06 - 01:29
you. 6 sep 06 ida_20 0 -
You. 3 apr 06 Fia92 0 -
you, you, you 13 aug 09 winnerking 0 -
You, the sun in my galaxy 18 okt 12 CasperLejon 1 18 okt 12 - 22:30
You, my everything 5 dec 05 Dearic 2 15 dec 05 - 03:33
you, me, one. 24 feb 09 IBadkaret 1 26 feb 09 - 09:17
You(shadis poem) 14 feb 07 svea030606 0 -
You're with me, right? <3 30 jul 08 DeadFish 1 30 jul 08 - 22:30
You're the treasure 7 jun 08 jns 2 9 jun 08 - 22:43
You're the only one I need 6 sep 08 MissNoname 0 -
You're the only one 8 nov 06 FliP_V 4 16 dec 06 - 23:13
You're the one... 19 jan 09 Emiz_14 0 -
You're the one, 30 nov 07 haallohs 1 30 nov 07 - 22:20
You're the one 15 nov 07 Tjeckspeare 0 -
You're the backbeat to my favourite song. 4 okt 05 LoreOfTheArcane 0 -
You're the air.. 5 nov 08 ThePsycho 4 10 mar 09 - 21:41
You're such a liar 30 sep 09 familjeflickan 1 3 okt 09 - 13:03
You're so mine- I'm all yours 8 sep 07 mupphuve 0 -
You're so beautiful 26 aug 07 metalslipknot 0 -
You're so beautiful 24 aug 07 metalslipknot 0 -
You're not forgotten. 23 okt 08 Lemon 1 23 okt 08 - 14:30
You're Not Alone<3 8 aug 08 carolineholmgren 0 -
You're Not Alone<3 7 aug 08 kysssen 0 -
You're name 22 maj 06 darknes_queen 3 13 jan 07 - 05:22
you're my world 3 dec 09 linabla 0 -
You're my world 31 dec 06 Agn3s 0 -
You're my time 21 sep 06 fenomenet 2 22 sep 06 - 21:31
You're my thing 30 apr 09 SprayGrrrl 0 -
you're my star. <3 29 jan 07 steffi 0 -
You're my requirement. 9 maj 08 BLACKPAiN 0 -
Sida föregående 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 nästa
Hur många resultat vill du visa per sida? 10 25 50

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